Invest in Rest
The Rest Collective
Rest in community during a 6 month program —
Learn to cultivate or deepen your rest practice in community. Monthly gatherings (virtual) offer space and spaciousness to learn to rest and restore self.
1:1 calls once a month for 5 months. These 1 hour calls with a trained facilitator exist to support your unique and individual rest journey.
Half way through our program, Re-Cede will take the co-hort on a “Homecoming” retreat in Nairobi, Kenya. All expenses paid.
An Inrestment Firm
“Re-Cede” is derived from “re” to receive and “cede” to yield or to give up. It represents the symbiotic relationship of receiving and yielding for true racial repair.
Birthed by a black woman and a white woman who collectively experienced harm and came together to heal and offer that healing to the world.
Click below to learn more about Re-Cede.
Join the community and conversation about rest.